At Georgia Farm Bureau we strive to provide top notch insurance for every farm, and it shows. Nobody insures more Poultry Farms in Georgia than Georgia Farm Bureau – nobody even comes close, and here’s why. We insure more than 1,300 poultry farms.
Our very own GFB agents, field underwriters and farm risk managers inspect the poultry farms we insure every few years. These regular inspections allow us to stay up-to-date with improvements made to the poultry houses, values on structures, and values on equipment. Our agents are members of your local community, and work to protect individuals and families throughout Georgia.
We know that no two farms are alike, which is why we offer endorsements to our standard poultry house insurance policies to offer our customers coverage that best suits their needs. An endorsement is a change to an insurance policy that offers additional coverage for a specific set of circumstances. For example, the Farm Package Policy (FPP)-435 endorsement GFB offers adds replacement cost to the poultry houses and equipment. In the event of a partial or a total loss, the FPP-435 provides loss settlement with no depreciation as long as the damage is repaired or replaced. If you are a policy holder, it is vital that you communicate with your agent regularly regarding any changes or upgrades so your GFB policy is current with a true replacement cost value. The FPP-435 is designed for poultry houses 10 years old or less.
As poultry houses age, policies transition from replacement cost to agreed value, which GFB covers with our FPP- 433 endorsement. This enables GFB to help poultry growers insure their houses and equipment at the highest possible value by using a decelerated depreciation scale. The agreed value endorsement is designed for houses 10 to 20 years old. Partial losses are paid with no depreciation. In the case of a total loss, the policy holder can apply the agreed value to rebuilding or take the agreed value without the obligation of replacing the damaged property.
The agreed value endorsement gives policy holders added flexibility by providing coverage for major improvements poultry growers may make to their poultry houses that increase house values. Substantial equipment replacement, chain wall conversion, or solid wall conversion can all increase poultry house values.
Another important endorsement GFB offers is the FPP-416. This endorsement provides coverage for the poultry houses and equipment for damage caused by the weight of ice and snow. This coverage is very important in parts of Georgia likely to have snow and freezing precipitation.
We also offer coverage for your business income, which is very important. Business income and extra expense coverage is provided under the Commercial Package Policy, which protects against loss of income if covered damage occurs to poultry houses. It also applies to loss of income and extra expenses during the period of restoration. This can be a vital coverage while a poultry house or houses are inoperable due to a covered loss.
Our goal is to properly cover the poultry farms we insure by staying current with all equipment and building improvements. That’s why it’s vital our insured poultry growers regularly stay in touch with their agent to assure GFB makes any coverage changes and policy adjustments needed. Georgia Farm Bureau believes the relationship between our agents and poultry growers, and the ability to meet face-to-face with your local agent is what makes GFB special.
We believe that Georgia farmers are the best in the country; that’s why they deserve the very best farm insurance. If you have any questions regarding GFB poultry house policies and the endorsements we offer, please contact your local agent today.
Content provided by Rawlings Maige, Georgia Farm Bureau Insurance Farm Risk Manager