Parents: Prom is near and graduation is just around the corner. Now is the perfect time for you to stress the importance of driving safely to your teen. Our insurance professionals recommend keeping an open dialogue with your child about being safe and vigilant behind the wheel. Here are a few topics you may want to discuss with your teen, particularly before prom and graduation parties:
Curb the noise
Be a safe passenger when you’re in a car and don’t distract the driver.
No passengers please
Encourage your teen to drive without any passengers. With more occupants in a vehicle the potential for distractions increases.
Never drink and drive
Stress to your teen to not cave into peer pressure. Also let them know that they can always turn to you if they need a safe ride home.
Click it or ticket
Seatbelts save lives, always wear your seatbelt.
Practice what you preach
Be a good example for your teen and let them see you practicing safe driving too. Don’t text and drive or speed. Also make sure you always wear your seatbelt. Young eyes are watching your every move.
Communicate, communicate, communicate
Keep the lines of communication open between your teen and also with whomever is hosting the after party they plan to attend. You may even offer to host an after party that you know will be alcohol and drug free.
Ride in style
Consider hiring a limo service to eliminate your teen and other teens from being behind the wheel.
If you’re having trouble starting a conversation about safe driving with your teen check out these helpful talking points from Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Content attributed to Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Insurance Institute for Highway Safety