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Understanding the Georgia FARM Bureau Health Plan (Part 1)

Georgia Farm Bureau Health Care Plan FAQs

Understanding the FARM health plan Part 1

Do you need an easier, more affordable way to offer your employees health care coverage? The Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care Plan can help you do just that. 

What is it? 

The Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care Plan is an alternatively funded trust that offers group insurance that is governed by trustees and bylaws that meet the requirements of the Georgia Department of Insurance (DOI).

Why choose the Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care Plan? 

The plan offers:

  • Competitive rates
  • 20 comprehensive medical plans
  • Predictable, fixed monthly payments
  • A flexible choice of benefit plans
  • Options on the Blue Open Access POS and Link Blue Connection EPO medical networks 
  • One ID card and one group number for medical, dental, vision, life and disability. 

Who makes the decisions for the Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care Plan? 

A board of trustees oversees the plan and ensures the plan complies with all applicable laws and regulations. 


Are dental, vision, life, and disability options available? 

Yes! They’re available as discounted ancillary plans offered by Anthem. These are stand-alone, fully insured plans where the participating employer contracts directly with Anthem. 


Who is eligible to participate? 

The Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care plan is available to sole proprietors and small business employers with at least one employee enrolled on their medical plan and no more than 50 eligible employees that fall within a broad range of agricultural industry SIC codes. The business and all participating employees must be in good standing with Georgia Farm Bureau. Married couple and domestic partner groups are not eligible. 


Are existing non-Affordable Care Act (ACA), Anthem groups eligible for the Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care Plan? 

Yes. All existing groups are eligible. 

Are there regular participation requirements that apply? 

Yes. The participation requirements are the same for this plan as they are for ACA. 


Are there product dues? 

Yes. Each group must pay product dues of $4 per employee per month (PEPM) along with their medical premium. Groups will receive these two invoices from Anthem with one combined draft making it easier to track and pay their bill. 


Are all premiums paid through electronic funds transfer (EFT)?

Yes. There will be two EFT transactions, one draft for medical and one draft for dental, vision, life, and disability products. Monthly drats will occur on the first of the month of the effective date. 


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