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A Tisket a Tasket, a Green and Yellow Egg?

A Tisket a Tasket, a Green and Yellow Egg?

Ever wonder why eggs come in all different colors and sizes? Is it the type of chicken? Does it have to do with the weather or time of year?

Most of us are familiar with the white or brown eggs that we purchase at a grocery store, but those that are lucky enough to raise their own chickens get an insight on the many wonderful colors of eggs. From light cream, pink, blue, green and some even speckled. 

So why are they all different colors? It comes down to nature. Chickens have diverse patterns in their colors, feathers, and eggshells for protection from predators. They’re also made unique to signal individual identity. So, what about the eggs? Why are they different colors? According to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service poultry specialist, the color of an egg is mainly determined by the chicken’s genetics. So, if you guessed previously that the type of chicken is a factor in the color of the egg, you’re correct!

Although, eggs do come in all sizes and colors, they all taste very similar. Here’s a fun fact for you. If you’re curious what color egg your chicken will lay, just look at their earlobes. That’s right, chicken earlobes help predict egg color. “More often than not, chickens with lighter earlobes have white feathers and produce white eggs. Those with colored feathers and darker earlobes will likely produce colored eggs.” Explains Gregory Archer, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension Specialist in the Department of Poultry Science at Texas A&M. 

Did you know that Georgia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance company is the largest insurer of our state’s poultry farms? We have a dedicated staff of experienced professionals including agents, field underwriters and risk managers who work hard to support our poultry growers by providing them with sound insurance coverage that protects their investments.  Our agents sell the policies while our field underwriters and farm risk managers evaluate the risks for new and existing insurance business to determine if it confirms to Georgia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company underwriting criteria.

Georgia Farm Bureau may be able to provide insurance coverage for your poultry house operation. This coverage is beneficial to those farmer members who raise chickens, turkey, and quails. Georgia Farm Bureau is fully supportive of Georgia agriculture and would welcome the opportunity to discuss our expansive coverage offerings for your poultry farm. Please contact a Georgia Farm Bureau agent for more information



Content provided by Texas A&M AgriLife