The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released their official outlook for the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Forecasters with the Climate Prediction Center predict near-normal hurricane activity in the Atlantic this year.
NOAA Predicts
El Nino or La Nina?
Forecasters predict a high potential for an El Nino pattern this summer and warmer-than-normal sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic basin. The past three hurricane seasons have seen the presence of a moderate-to-strong La Nina pattern, which typically produces greater-than-normal tropical activity. El Nino patterns normally indicate a pattern that typically suppresses hurricane activity in the Atlantic.
3 Things Needed for Hurricane Development
What does this mean for Georgia?
This forecast for the 2023 Hurricane Season is intended to gauge the overall amount of tropical activity predicted to occur in the Atlantic basin over the season. It’s not intended to predict landfall locations or impacts. Remember about 90% of annual tropical activity tends to occur in the Atlantic after August 1st. Peak Hurricane Season is usually between late August and mid-October.
Find tips to prepare for Hurricane Season at
For the latest on disturbances in the Atlantic that could potentially affect Georgia and surrounding states visit
Content provided by GEMA.